Diversity coupled with inclusion should be a strategic business goal for credit unions. This Self-Assessment reflects guidance for advancing workforce and supplier diversity and identifies best practices for demonstrating a commitment to diversity and inclusion. When made a priority, diversity and inclusion can help your credit union grow and better serve your membership.
Source: Coopera Consulting DIVE INTO DIVERSITY, EQUITY & INCLUSION. We can help your credit union or […]
Founded with a “people helping people” mission, credit unions have long worked to equitably build and inclusively serve diverse memberships in their communities. The strength of the Credit Union Movement is in the diversity of its many unique memberships, which together create a united fabric of access to affordable financial services.
The report Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Credit Unions: Approaches, Insights, and Future Directions identifies the key elements of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and concludes with a call to action for credit unions who leverage DEI in their organizations.
The CU DEI Collective recognizes that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) are more important now than ever.
The results of the comprehensive sustainability assessment can be used to serve the information needs of diverse stakeholders.
Learn which SDGs matter most to you based on your company profile, and how to take action today.
Consulting and training for the new economy of stakeholder-centered business.
Advanced certified education on Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Circular Economy for professionals who want to maximize their company’s impact and become qualified with the latest knowledge in the field.